Thick Eyebrows Can Help You Look Younger

See why full, bold brows are attractive.

by: Linda Robison

I always had dark eyebrows. But over the years, they faded, became sparse and thin. Then I wondered, can thinning brows make me look older?

Over time, my naturally thick eyebrows thinned out so much I could barely see them!

Now, instead of just plucking, I had to pencil in brow hairs every day just to make them visible. ðŸ«¤

Woman wearing eyebrow makeup on one side and no eyebrow makeup on the other side of her face.

But here's the kicker: without my full brows, I look totally different. I look tired, washed out. And, dare I say, older!

Eyebrow makeup before and after. Thick eyebrows make you look younger.Do thicker eyebrows look younger?

Can eyebrows make you look younger?

Could brows make that much of a difference in your appearance and perceived age? Apparently so.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows can significantly improve the overall youthful appearance.

There have even been a few studies on this topic that suggests prominent or thick eyebrows are a sign of youth. But why?

Sparse eyebrows and the look of aging

Do lighter eyebrows make you look younger?

Women often ask: Do lighter eyebrows make you look younger? The answer is probably not.

In fact, studies show the opposite is true: Thin, sparse, faded eyebrows can make a person look older than their chronological age.


Faded eyebrow color or eyebrow hair loss can make you look older because of the lack of facial contrast! Eyebrows can make you look younger!

Studies suggest that high contrast of certain facial features (like eyebrows and lips) against skin tone can make you appear younger.

Facial color contrast probably explains why wearing a little makeup as we get older can help us look more youthful.

When we were young, our facial features have more color contrast. Eyebrows, eyelashes, eye color, and lips are more vibrant and richer in color.

Faces with higher contrast appear more youthful, according to studies.1

"Eyebrow contrast may be specifically important for age perception since facial hair becomes gray and of lesser quality with age." Porcheron A, Mauger E, Russell R., Aspects of Facial Contrast Decreases with Age and Are Cues for Age Perception

However, as we age, the opposite is true. The hair on our head and eyebrows start to thin, fade or turn gray. The once vibrant color of our eyes and lips fade too.

As a result, there is less contrast between our features and skin tone, which can make us look faded, washed out, or tired. And, this is a cross-cultural perception, crossing all ethnic groups and skin color.

Before basic eyebrow makeup. This picture shows a woman with thin eyebrows and no eyebrow makeup.Before:Thin sparse eyebrows
eyebrows asain womAfter: Thick full eyebrows

Regardless of how dark your skin tone or eyebrow color is, when it fades to the point where there is not much contrast between facial features and surrounding skin tone.

This could make you look older than you are. 2

Ways to attain thicker and fuller eyebrows

Achieving thick, fuller eyebrows is not that hard. There are many choices from at-home makeup methods to professional treatments, each designed to boost your brow game.

Got Thin Eyebrows?

You can simply fill in sparse or bald spots using the at-home methods below. Try using a slightly darker color if your eyebrows have faded or turned gray.

  • Eyebrow Pencil: An eyebrow pencil offers a convenient way to fill in any sparse sections and define your overall brow shape. Choose a pencil slightly lighter than your natural brow color for a more natural look.
  • Brow Pomade: If your eyebrows are particularly sparse, eyebrow pomade can help. The waxy texture makes it easy to control the application, and it is excellent for filling in scarce areas to enhance thickness.
  • Brow Powder: Brow powder can give your eyebrows a fuller, softer look. It's great for filling in gaps and can be easily blended for a more natural appearance.
  • Brow Tint: This lovely combination is my favorite! It's like a cross between a gel and pencil. And, it's waterproof. Mine stays on until I take it off with makeup remover.

Keep it light! Do not draw brows on too thick or too dark. This can look fake and harsh, which may age your face.😮

If you have a hard time getting it right, try watching a tutorial on how to fill in thin or sparse brows.

Got Eyebrow Hair Loss?

If you’ve lost a significant amount of eyebrow hair, these are good options to consider.

  • Growth Serums: There is a wide variety of eyebrow growth serums on the market. They can help you grow thicker and healthier-looking eyebrows over time. Make sure to review the ingredients to ensure they are safe for your skin type.
  • Microblading: This semi-permanent tattooing technique can drastically enhance the appearance of your eyebrows. A professional artist will manually add pigment to your skin with a special microblade to create natural-looking hair-like strokes.
  • Eyebrow Tattooing: This is a permanent solution for thin eyebrows. It can provide a uniform shape and consistent thickness, but it requires a professional aesthetician and a larger commitment.

If you're experiencing hair loss on the outer 1/3 of your eyebrows, consider speaking with your doctor, as may be associated with low thyroid function.

Wear Eye Makeup:

Don’t be afraid to wear a little eye makeup. To add more contrast to your facial features, try lightly lining the rims of your upper and lower eyelids.

If done correctly, wearing eyeliner can make your eyes standout more.

Perfect eyebrows - Questions

  • What eyebrow shape makes you look younger? 
  • Do straight eyebrows make you look younger?
  • Which looks best, thick eyebrows, dark eyebrows or fuller eyebrows?

So you want to know the perfect eyebrow shape to look your best?

The answer is simple: Everyone is different, and the best look is what you were born with. Try to achieve the natural eyebrow shape, thickness, and color you had when you were younger.

For example, if you never had very dark or straight eyebrows, don't try to create that look. It will appear strange and could make you look older.

Instead, bring your eyebrows back to where they were when you were younger.  Looking at pictures of your younger self is a good idea for the most natural look.

As stated earlier in this post - too dark or thick eyebrows can look harsh and may age you if that's not what you were born with.

So try to achieve what you naturally had. 

What's your eyebrow experience? Have you lost those thick eyebrows of yesterday?

Have you found a great eyebrow makeup pencil or solution? Got any great before and after pictures?  Share with us.

Thick eyebrows: FAQ's

Q: Can eyebrows make you look younger?

A: Yes! Studies even prove it! Research indicates that creating a noticeable contrast between specific facial features such as darker or thicker eyebrows against the skin tone has the potential to create a more youthful appearance.

Q: What eyebrow shape makes you look younger?

A: It's important to keep the natural eyebrow shape you were born with. For a more youthful look, you want to highlight your natural aches. This will help lift your eyes and faces.

Q: What color eyebrows do you need to look younger?

A: To achieve a youthful look, your eyebrows should be slightly darker than your hair color. This subtle contrast can define your facial features and provide a youthful appearance. 

Q: Do thick eyebrows make you look older?

A: Thick eyebrows are associated with youth.

Q: Can bushy brows make you looking older?

A: No, it's just the opposite. As we get older our brows thin and fade which can make our face look tired and washed out. Filling in your brows and following their natural shape can brighten the whole face. 

However, unruly, unshaped, or droopy brows can make your face look older. So it's important when you fill in your brows that you follow their natural shape.

If you're uncomfortable or not sure what your natural shape is, try having them done professionally first. Then just follow that shape each time you pencil them in.

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