Does Botox Help with Eye Bags

Learn what Botox can and can’t do for puffy eyes. And find alternative treatments for under-eye bags

by: Linda Robison

So does Botox help with eye bags or not? Confused? You're not alone.

With so much conflicting information online about Botox and puffy eyes, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Let’s clear up the confusion and explore the facts, along with the treatments that can truly make a difference. Read on to discover more ...

Does Botox help with under eye bags?Botox injection sites for the eye area.

Botox does not get rid of under eye bags! I know this firsthand because I suffered from eye bags and puffy eyes my entire adult life. I've done the research and tried many treatments. 

Here's what I learned about under eye Botox, what it can and can't do, and what treatments can help…

Effectiveness of Botox for treating eye bags

According to Dr. Shafer, a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City, injecting Botox around the eye area like crow's feet can help reduce tension and the look of wrinkles around the eyes. This provides a softer, more improved overall look. However, Botox will not remove under-eye-bags themselves.

And, he states that it's very important to inject Botox in the right spot when working around the eyes. You want it between the outer corner of your eye and the temple, but not on the lower eyelid. If it goes on the lower lid, it could cause the skin to lose firmness and tone and could make it harder for your eyelid to fully cover and protect your eye.

Bottom Line?

Using Botox in the right spots around your eyes can make them look better. But it won't fix under-eye bags directly. And, its critical injections are done properly to avoid any problems with how your eyelids work.

Photos of using Botox for under eye bags

Before and after picture of using Botox for a jelly roll and under eye bags.Photos of using botox for under-eye bags. Before and after.

So why do some websites state Botox can help reduce puffy eyes?  It appears it all started with the jelly roll.

Some people confuse puffiness and bags with a bulging under eye muscle that is noticeable when the person smiles or squints. This bulging muscle is sometimes called the "Jelly Roll." 

Botox under eyes: Does it help? Is it a good idea?

I've consulted with Dr. Sahra Hart, Cosmetic Doctor and International Trainer. While this may sound like a logical solution, as Botox can relax the muscle and smooth the under-eye bulge, Dr. Hart is not a fan of using Botox under the eye area at all.

"Jelly roll is a ridge of overactive orbic oculi muscle. Seen more often in Asian patients. I used to inject this years ago but stopped as it can cause bagging of the lower eyelid which is an aging change. I don't ever use Botox under the eye now," she says.

"Eye bags are protrusion of the retro orbital fat as the orbital septum weakens and fluid can also contributeFiller can sometimes disguise this protrusion, but must be used with great caution close to the eye as it can migrate and cause puffiness and Tyndall effect."

NOTE: This is just the opinion of one physician. If you have overactive orbic oculi muscle (jelly roll) check with your provider if neurotoxin injections are right for you.

So does Botox help with under eye bags?

Botox has no effect on treating conditions such as under-eye bags. If you have large puffy sacs due to excess fat, the best solution is surgery (blepharoplasty) to remove excess fat pads. More about that below.

However, there are situations where injections of hyaluronic acid fillers (dermal fillers) can help. Here is how:

Woman with fillers to reduce appearance of puffy eyes.

Small Fat Pads

If you have minor fat pad bulges, you can reduce the "appearance" of eye bags with dermal under eye fillers.

Adding a bit of filler between the fat pad bulge and the hollow area of upper cheek can help lessen puffy eyes. This can also make the area from eyes to upper cheeks look smoother.

Sagging Due To Volume Loss

What looks like puffiness, bags, or dark circles could be due to lack under eye volume due to collagen loss. This could cause the area to sag, giving you the "appearance" of having puffiness. Injecting dermal filler in the lower lids tear trough can help replace lost volume and lift and smooth the area.

Are there Botox uses for the under-eye area?

Yes, there are some uses of Botulinum toxins for this delicate area, however, it's considered off-label use in the United States, as the FDA has not approved it. Anti-wrinkle injections are considered an effective short-term treatment for various types of eye wrinkles, including:

  • Frown lines
  • Crow's feet
  • Forehead lines

Other treatments that can help puffy eyes

Speak with your doctor about some of the other alternatives. There are numerous methods for reducing bags under the eyes, including:


Lower blepharoplasty is the best and permanent solution for large eye bags and fat pads. With this procedure, the doctor may remove and/or reposition the fat under the lower eye skin. I had the surgery. However, mine was called Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty.

With this surgery, incisions are made on the inside of the lower to expose and remove the fat. This offers a more natural look because there are no scars on the outside of the eyelid. 

Make sure you seek a qualified Oculoplastic or Ophthalmic plastic surgeon, who specializes in Oculo-Plastic & Orbital Reconstructive Surgery. 


If the bags and puffiness are minor, laser treatments, skin resurfacing and chemical peels could tighten and tone the under eye area.

Ultherapy is an effective, non-invasive option. This treatment heats skin proteins and stimulates collagen production. This tightens and lifts the skin, making the puffiness less noticeable.


If the puffiness is due to allergies, talk to your doctor about prescription allergy medication.

Are there non-surgical ways to get rid of eye bags?

There are a few things you can do at home that might help reduce the severity and appearance of puffy eyes, but nothing short of surgery will actually remove fat from under eye bags.

Firm-up eye muscles 

Facial exercises that include under-eye lifts, (muscle contractions of the orbicularis oris muscle) can help reduce the severity of puffiness or bulge. How?

As we age, our facial muscles weaken, especially the muscles surrounding the eye area. Weak eye muscles can allow fat pads to bugle out more and droop down, causing the appearance of dark circles, puffy eyes, and droopy eyelids.

However, stronger eye muscles can hold the fat pads in and up. It can also help lift saggy eyelids, lift the corners of the eyes for a more youthful appearance, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, eye exercises increase circulation and blood flow, which helps reduce excess fluid in the eye area and minimize dark circles. Sometimes dark circles are just dark shadows caused by under eye bulge. 

You can find eye exercise samples under eye wrinkles and other eye wrinkle treatments.

Over-the-counter under-eye treatments 

There are several options here. Under eye rollers and massagers like Gua Sha or Kansa Wand can help stimulate circulation and reduce excess fluid in the eye area and the whole face, providing a more contoured slimmer look.

Eye Lift Serums

There are also instant eye lift serums, that help lift and firm up the skin, giving the area a smoother look. While there are plenty of these eye lift serum products on the market, many are very drying and can irritate sensitive skin.

I know this firsthand, because I've tried almost all of them and found just one that works without dryness, irritation and leaving a whitish film... like many do. Read my review of all the under eye puffy serums I've tried over the last 15 years.

Why am I still using eye lift serums after have lower blepharoplasty?

Because I still have slight puffiness, or protruding, in the right eye. Whether it's swelling from allergies or fat, I don't know. My doctor told me there was a lot of fat in my right eye, and he was worried about taking out too much, as this could cause the opposite problem: sunken eyelid skin. 

So, I still use an eye lift serum, especially on days when I'm tired. It helps my eyes look more awake and firmer.

The takeaway: Does Botox help with eye bags

Whether Botox helps with eye bags depends on what's causing the eyes to look puffy, as stated above.

If your ultimate goal is to minimize the appearance of horizontal lines under your lower lids or the muscle which sticks out when you smile, then you may be a good candidate for under-eye Botox treatments; but be sure to consult with your doctor first.

jelly roll pinterest pin

FAQ's: Does Botox help with eye bags

Q: Is Botox or filler better for under eye bags?

A: The use of Botox is effective for wrinkles and lines under the eyes and in the crow's feet area.

Fillers can help reduce the appearance of mild swelling by adding volume to the little hollow area between the lower eye and the upper cheek.

However, this may not work if your eye puffiness is major. A more effective permanent solution might be removing fat - a surgical procedure called blepharoplasty.

Q: How do you get rid of eye bags permanently?

A: A surgical procedure called blepharoplasty removes and readjusts the fat in the lower eye. This is the only way to permanently remove eye bags.

Sometimes the doctor might tighten the muscle too to create a smooth appearance. This permanent solution rarely requires touch-ups.

Q: How long after botox can you take antibiotics

A: It's generally safe to take antibiotics after Botox, but it's important to give your body a little time to settle after Botox injections. As a general guideline, waiting at least a day or two before starting antibiotics is recommended. However, individual circumstances can vary, so it's always wise to consult with your healthcare provider. 

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