Can I use Vaseline for Over Exfoliated Skin?

by Karen

Vaseline for over exfoliated skin

Vaseline for over exfoliated skin

I was wondering if it's safe to use Vaseline for over exfoliate skin?

I used a home chemical peel with glycolic acid and left it on way too long.

Now my skin is irritated and peeling and it hurts. I was wondering if Vaseline will help moisturize my skin.

Does Vaseline soak into the skin? Will it help or make it worse?


Hi Karen,

Thanks for your question about using Vaseline for over exfoliate or irritated dry skin. I get this question a lot.

Many people think using Vaseline or any petroleum based product will absorb into the skin and hydrate it, but it's not that simple.

Vaseline, (petroleum jelly) is not a good choice for irritated or peeling skin for several reasons:

1. While it's true that petroleum jelly, like Vaseline, is an occlusive product (meaning it traps moisture in) it may not be suitable for severely damaged skin.

Especially, in a situation where the skin is peeling, raw, or has open sores. If the skin is not properly hydrated, like in your case, it can actually lock in the dryness and prevent moisture from getting in. This can make the skin feel even drier and uncomfortable.

Skin that is irritated and peeling, needs to breathe and heal. So the best option is a light, hydrating skincare product.

Using a light moisturizer with hydrating ingredients (e.g., ceramides, lipids like omega fatty acids) is more effective in replenishing the skin's moisture content.

You can read about how beneficial these moisturizers are for aging and/or damaged skin here.

2. Peeling skin often occurs as a result of dryness or irritation, and using Vaseline alone may not address the underlying causes.

3. Peeling skin requires nourishment and specific nutrients to promote healing and regeneration.

Vaseline does not contain these essential nutrients. You're better off using specialized skincare products for irritated skin that will feed it with nutrients and beneficial ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants.

4. When skin is already irritated or damaged, there is an increased risk of bacterial infections. Since Vaseline is occlusive, it can create an environment where bacteria can thrive, potentially worsening the condition.

So, to answer your question, no, Vaseline is not a good choice for over exfoliated, irritated, or peeling skin.

Look for moisturizers with healing ingredients, mild formulations, and avoid products with potential irritants or allergens.

Additionally, if the irritation persists or worsens, it's best to consult a dermatologist for a proper evaluation and suitable treatment plan.

Note: There is a practice that's been featured on TikTok where people suggest using Vaseline after a chemical peel. It's called Slugging.

However, the Vaseline is applied many hours after the peel has been removed, and the skin has had a chance to breath and exfoliate. It's usually before bedtime and left on overnight.

And, it's not to be used on damaged skin or for anyone prone to acne or breakouts.

You can read more about Slugging and how it works here. Also, find out why it's called slugging?

I hoped this help answer your question. 😊

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Oct 02, 2023
Vaseline for Wrinkles?
by: Anonymous

Vaseline for face wrinkles?

Can I reduce face wrinkles or at least prevent more face wrinkles from forming by massaging Vaseline every night before bed?

My grandmother had all sorts of weird face wrinkle home remedies and this was her favorite. She swore it worked. But by the time I came along (I was the youngest grandchild) she was already in her 80s.

And while she looked good for her age, I don't know if it was due to the vaseline or just her genetics because my mom and aunt both look good for their age.

But I feel my sister and I look older for our age. I'm a twin and we pretty much eat the same type of healthy foods and have always exercised.

We're in our late 40s and I can see things going down hill really fast. What can I do?
Editor's Note:

Hi Diane,

Thanks for your great question about using vaseline for face wrinkles. I think my grandmother used it too!

I know she had a big jar of Vaseline on her night stand, and I know she used it for her hands and feet, but never paid attention to what she used on her face. I was too young and just didn't care then :-)

But, I can tell you this - wrinkles won't go away by using a face cream or Vaseline. If wrinkles were banished by using topical, over-the-counter facial creams then we'd all have no wrinkles - Right?

Now, let me say that face creams and moisturizers are very important for the upkeep of upper layers of your skin.

Face creams and serums hydrate, protect, exfoliate and feed the skin. But they can't magically make the wrinkles go away - just maybe soften the depth of the wrinkle so it's less noticeable.

Sagging and wrinkled skin does respond – to a degree- to facial manipulation like massaging and face exercises.

I am living proof that it works. These pictures are REAL and untouched!

Aside from cosmetic surgery or procedures - at home remedies for face wrinkles lies in the manipulation of the skin....Massaging and building up underlying face muscles.

You can learn more if you visit the link above.

Aug 07, 2023
Vaseline for over exfoliated skin how long does it take?
by: Karen

Thanks Linda!

Im just wondering, can you tell me how long it will take to heal over exfoliated skin with Vaseline?

If I do decide to try it that is.

Well, this can vary depending on how raw or irritated your skin is and how fast you heal, in general. Keep in mind, everyone is different.

While Vaseline can help create a protective barrier and promote moisture retention, it may not be the best solution for healing over-exfoliated skin on its own.

To aid the healing process, it's important that you stop any further exfoliation and avoid using harsh products on the affected area. Instead, focus on gentle skincare practices, such as:

1. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to gently cleanse the skin without causing further irritation.

2. Apply a soothing, fragrance-free moisturizer that contains ingredients like ceramides, fatty acid lips or hyaluronic acid to help replenish the skin's moisture barrier. I provided a few options in your original post above.

3. Avoid Sun Exposure. Make sure you protect your healing skin from excessive sun exposure by using sunscreen or wearing protective clothing.

4. Give your skin time to heal naturally. It may take a few days to a couple of weeks for over-exfoliated skin to recover fully.

If the irritation or discomfort persists or worsens, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist for professional evaluation and personalized advice on how to treat and speed up the healing process.

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