Botox treatment for frown lines and sagging jaw line?

by Brenda Chou
(Barrie, Ontario, Canada)

can Botox help with sagging jowls

can Botox help with sagging jowls

Hi! I'm 41 years old and I noticed frown lines around my eyes and a saggy jaw. I'm very much worried about the situation.

I have tried DIY tips to get rid of the frown but there are no results.

How about undergoing botox treatment?

I haven't undergone any such treatments before. I heard botox cosmetic treatment helps to get rid of deep frown lines. Has anyone tried it? What about my sagging jowls?

I'm planning to schedule an appointment with a surgeon in Barrie for details.

Are there any risks associated with this procedure? Any advice is highly appreciated.


Hi Brenda,

Botox is known to be pretty effective for deep lines - especially those between the eyebrows.

As far as any specific risks associated with Botox, they're pretty standard and mild for most people...

The most common side-effect associated with Botox is swelling, redness, or bruising around the injection site.

Check out this page for information about the Benefits of Botox and mistakes you should avoid.

However, it's best to discuss your risks with the surgeon you have the appointment with. Some people may be more sensitive to Botox injection than others.

In reference to Botox for sagging jawline, it's not effective for weak/sagging muscles or the appearance of jowls.

Botox isn't typically the go-to for directly addressing sagging in the jawline. It's actually more commonly used for reducing wrinkles caused by muscle movement, like those "crow's feet" around your eyes or frown lines.

When it comes to a sagging jawline, other treatments like dermal fillers or even surgical procedures might be more effective.

Dermal fillers can add volume and contour to your jawline, giving it a more defined appearance. Surgical options like a facelift or neck lift can address more significant sagging.

Since you're still pretty young, you can also consider facial exercises.

I started facial exercises in my early 40s but got serious with it in my 50s and still achieved very excellent results.

Now, it took a few months to see results, but the cost was less than $50.00 and there are no side-effects or downtime.

I was also able to smooth out my neck wrinkles and lift my chin and jaw area.

Before and after pictures of sagging jaw and neck lines

Also, check out the pictures above in the title of this post. You can see how my jowls became smaller, lifted and firmer.

I hope this helps,

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Jan 19, 2024
Botox made my jowls worse!
by: Donna

Hi All,

I just wanted to add my two cents here.

So, my doctor recommended Botox to help with my jaw clenching and TMJ issues. The plan was to inject it into my masseter muscles to relax my jawline, make it look slimmer, and reduce my jowls.

But here's is what really happened. The Botox didn't do what we thought it would. And did help my TMJ. But about five months after getting those TMJ injections, I actually noticed my jowls looking worse. They got sort of droopy and sagged.

It was unexpected and really disappointing. Now, I'm more careful about thinking of Botox for the jowl area because it seems like it doesn't work the same for everyone.

You never know how your body might react.


Thanks for sharing Donna.

Yes, there are many in-office procedures that may sound good for one cause but can backfire and cause other issues.

Buccal fat removal is one of them. At first, women think removing the buccal fat can slim your face and maybe reduce howling. But, as you age and your face loses some of its natural fat pads, you can look gaunt or much older.

Learn about Buccal Fat Removal.

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