At-Home Dermaplaning Tips

Can you dermaplane at home? Yes, as long as you do it safely.

I'll explain how home dermaplaning works to give you smoother, younger-looking skin.

by Linda Robison

I tried at-home dermaplaning for the first time the other day. I was so impressed with the results I decided to share what this wonderful anti-aging exfoliating treatment is, how it works, and tips for at-home use.

But, first, let's start with the basics...

A woman using an at-home dermaplaning treatment.

What is dermaplaning

Dermaplaning (also called dermablading) is a minimally invasive, in-office anti-aging treatment.

A licensed aesthetician or healthcare professional uses a very sharp surgical blade to shave away the very top layers of your skin, removing oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and fine hair (peach fuzz.)

The results are younger looking, softer, smoother, clearer skin. It also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars.

How is home dermaplaning different from in-office treatment

Professional dermaplaning:

Professional dermaplaning is a deep exfoliating facial treatment performed by trained skincare professionals in a clinic or spa. They use a specialized surgical blade to gently remove the top layer of your skin, including dead cells and fine hairs.

This treatment can be customized to address specific concerns, such as acne scars or discoloration. Professional dermaplaning is considered safe and has fewer side effects due to strict hygiene standards.

At-home dermaplaning:

On the other hand, at-home dermaplaning puts you in control. You'll use personal skin shavers, also known as face shavers. However, it's crucial to ensure both your face and the tools are thoroughly clean, as there is a risk of accidental cuts if you're not careful.

At-home dermaplaning is a gentler approach and doesn't exfoliate as deeply as the professional version.

Wondering what the pros and cons are of both in-office and DIY home dermaplaning? Check out this comprehensive guide.

Dermaplaning vs shaving

A woman shaving.Dermaplaning vs shaving? No, it's not quite the same.

Dermaplaning is like shaving your face, but the dermablade tool is different from a regular shaving razor, which was designed to just remove unwanted hair.

The single blade of a dermaplaning tool is specifically designed to exfoliate and clean the surface of the skin, along with removing excess hair.

Plus, the blades are thin, long and small, so you can reach spaces around the lips, mouth, and nose.

Who benefits from dermaplaning?

Most women could benefit from a monthly dermaplaning treatment. Especially, if you have:

However, if you have very sensitive skin, active acne, rosacea, eczema, or other skin issues you shouldn't try at-home dermaplaning.

More about safety issues below…

Benefits of Dermaplaning at home

A woman dermaplane her upper lip. Does dermaplaning smooth skin? Yes.


Well, the biggest advantage of at-home dermaplaning, when compared to professional is the cost.

One in-office session at a medical spa could cost between $100-$250 per session, per person.

In contrast, you can purchase a high-quality carbon or stainless steel dermablade to use at home for under $20. And that usually includes several replacement blades too.

Note: The one I use comes with 3 refill blades. And you can reuse a blade about 3 times before switching to a new one. So, if you dermaplane about 3 times a month, you get 3 months of treatments for under $20.

Exfoliation and facial hair removal in one step:

Unlike a chemical peel, at-home dermaplaning offers deep exfoliation along with facial hair removal, even fine vellus hairs (peach fuzz). If you're over a certain age, you're probably dealing with pesky facial hair. Well, this tool takes care of that!

Brighter complexion:

This sharp tool eliminates a layer of dead cells off the surface of your skin, leaving you with even-toned skin that looks revitalized and glowing.

Better product absorption:

Between dead skin cells, facial hair, dirt, and oil, your expensive anti-aging skincare products won't be absorbed as easily, which is wasting money.

By eliminating that "junk" from the uppermost layer of the skin's surface can allow your skincare products to penetrate deeper and work better.

Healthier skin barrier:

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of your skin. This barrier helps prevent environmental toxins from penetrate the skin and helps keep the skin healthy.

The over-use of chemical peels, scrubs, harsh cleansers, even alcohol and fragrances (found in many drugstore skincare products) can damage this barrier.

Adding a dermaplaning treatment to your skincare routine is an effective way to deeply exfoliate while taking a break from harsh scrubs and chemical peels.

Better makeup application:

Dermaplaning leaves skin smoother and pores seem smaller since it gets rid of facial hair and peach fuzz. This creates the perfect foundation for even makeup application, allowing powder and liquid cosmetics to rest on top flawlessly.

Is it safe to do dermaplaning at home?

Dermaplaning is safe for most skin types. Depending on the dermablade you use, some might experience slight skin irritation in sensitive areas right after a treatment.

First-time users should not use very sharp blades, as there might be a learning curve on how to use it properly.

And, with sharp blades, it's possible to accidentally nick or cut the skin. However, if the cut ever becomes infected, or you experience redness or discomfort, contact your dermatologist. However, this is not so common with commercially sold at-home dermablades.

For best results, always test a small area first before doing your whole face.

Who should not dermaplane?

Dermaplaning should be avoided if you have:

  • Active acne
  • Used Accutane or tretinoin in the last six months
  • Outbreaks of cold sores
  • Eczema
  • Moles, skin tags, and other skin growths 
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin burns caused by radiation therapy, for example
  • Rashes on the skin (contact dermatitis)

Will dermaplaning make hair thicker

No,  will not make your hair grow back faster or thicker. Any type of shaving or skin scraping does not change the structure of the hair follicle. This is an old myth.

Your facial hair will grow back at the same rate and same texture it always does.

Sometimes, it may feel like the hair growing back is thicker because shaving cuts the hair at its deep base, which is sometimes thicker.

So as it starts to grow, you might feel hairs emerging from the skin in the first few days. But that goes away in a day or two.

How to prep your skin before dermaplaning

Before diving into the specifics of how to dermaplane, let's start by addressing some essential preparation steps for your skin.

To ensure your skin is ready, take the following measures:

Check your face: Make sure you have no active skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, or cold sores.

Cleanse Your SkinClean your face with a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser and remove all makeup.

Facial Steam or Warm Compress (Optional): If you have especially stubborn blackheads or want to open up your pores, you can use a warm, damp washcloth or facial steamer for a few minutes before cleansing.

Pat DryMake sure your face is dry. Experts say this offers the best result. However, if you have extremely sensitive skin, a small amount of face oil or aloe vera can help protect from irritation.

Clean Hands: Wash your hands thoroughly before to prevent transferring dirt or bacteria to your face.

Sanitize Your Tools: Disinfect your dermaplaning tool by soaking it in alcohol for a few minutes and allowing it to air dry. This step is crucial to prevent infection.

Pull Hair BackTie back your hair or use a headband to keep it away from your face. You want a clear and unobstructed view for the procedure.

Have Good LightingEnsure you have good lighting, either natural daylight or a well-lit room, to clearly see what you're doing.

Test on a Small Area (Optional): If it's your first time dermaplaning, you might want to test a small, inconspicuous area to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions or sensitivity.

Relax and Be PatientDermaplaning requires a steady hand and patience. Take your time and don't rush through the process.

By following these additional steps, you'll help create the ideal conditions for a successful and safe at-home dermaplaning experience.

At-home dermaplaning: Step by Step Guide

Where can you dermaplane on the face? The pink areas show you dermaplaning face directions.The pink highlighted areas on this face map suggest where you can use the dermaplane tool.

How to steps: Here is a detailed explanation of how to dermaplane properly and safely.

1. Sterilize your blade. It's a good idea to wipe your new blade with alcohol and again after each use.

2. Wash your face with a mild cleanser to ensure that all of your makeup and especially oils have been removed. For best results, your skin should very dry and clean.

2-a. Apply a face oil (optional). This step is optional and not my personal favorite. However, some women like to apply a thin layer of gel, face oil.

If you have sensitive or dry mature skin, applying a thin layer of face oil can provide a protective barrier and make the blade glide easier. 

3. Pull the skin taut with your fingers, hold the blade at a 45-degree angle, make short light strokes going downward.

4. Start at the side of your face by your ear, at the top of the cheek bones and make short downward strokes down to the jawline. Then go back to the top of the cheeks and go inward across the whole cheek towards the nose.

5. Now go across the whole jawline, chin, around the mouth, upper lip (don't forget to get that upper lip hair). 

Tip: After a few strokes, wipe the blade (sideways) against a towel to remove the dead skin, hair and oils collected. And continue, cleaning the blade every so often.

6. Now go across the forehead and crow's feet area (be careful of your eyebrows). And finally, carefully shave in-between the eyebrows. This really helps reduce the look of those 11 lines!

7. Finish off with a splash of cool water and pat it dry to finish.

8. Apply your skincare products. For best results, apply a hydrating serum like hyaluronic acid and then seal it in with a good moisturizer. 

Check out this helpful video by Schick Hydro Silk Dermaplaning wand:

I use the Schick Hydro Silk Dermaplaning Wand from Amazon.

How often to do dermaplaning?

How often you should Dermaplane your face at home?

Some dermatologists suggest that you should dermaplane your face about once or twice a month because your skin typically needs 1-2 weeks to heal and regenerate.

I think this suggestion is for a professional dermaplaning procedure because they use a surgical scalpel blade for a more intense treatment.

But home dermaplaning blades are not that sharp, so I find 3-4 times a month works well for me. It's best to find what works best for you, as everyone is different.

Dermaplaning after care tips

Woman applying sunscreen. Dermaplaning after care for skin.Always use sunscreen after dermaplaning treatment.

What should you NOT do after dermaplaning

Avoid Harsh Products: Steer clear of products with exfoliating particles, strong acids (such as glycolic and lactic acids), or active ingredients like retinoids for several days following your treatment. This helps prevent potential skin irritation or over-exfoliation.

No Washcloths or Facial Brushes: Don't wash your face with any type of abrasive materials for at least 24 hours. Use your fingers and gently massage your face. 

No Hot Water: Hot can strip away natural oils and cause dryness or redness, making your skin more prone to irritation. It's best to use lukewarm or cool water.

No Makeup: For best results, try to skip makeup for the first day to allow your skin to recover. Personally, I always try to dermaplane in the evening. However, there can be exceptions to using makeup after dermaplaning.

No TouchingTry not to touch or pick at your face for a few hours after home dermaplaning. This could lead to irritation and possibly introduce bacteria, if your skin has minor cuts or scrapes.

Avoid the Sun: Avoid excess sun exposure for at least a day or two.

Avoid Swimming: Chlorine or salt water may irritate, so avoid pools and the ocean for at least 24 hours.

Note: I prefer to dermaplane at night, giving my skin the chance to relax and soak in a nourishing oil or moisturizer. This way, my skin can fully benefit from the hydration and repair during the overnight hours.. 😊

What to Put on Your Face After Dermaplaning

Here's a simple breakdown of dermaplaning aftercare:

Hydrate: Immediately after, rinse your face with cool water. Then, while your skin is still damp, apply a good hydrating serum, face oils, or moisturizer. This helps restore moisture and keeps your skin feeling smooth.

Or if your face feels dry, consider slugging overnight to restore moisture.

Gentle Cleansers: For a few days after, use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to wash your face

Sunsreen: Sun protection is always important. But, several days after a dermaplaning treatment, your skin is even more vulnerable to UV damage. So, it's very critical to a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 if you're heading outdoors.

Note: If you want to use anti-aging serums, like vitamin C, read this section first.

Final thought: Is at-home dermaplaning effective?

After my first at-dermaplaning session, I was surprisingly shocked. I couldn't believe how my skin glowed.

Especially in areas where I used to place a highlighter for that "special" glow. Areas like right above the eyebrows and in the upper corners of my cheeks.

I've been using scrubs, home chemical peels, and microdermabrasion machines for over 20 years. But I've never had smooth skin like this. It really glowed after I applied my moisturizer.

Note: Originally, I thought results were better using the dermaplaning tool on dry skin. But after a few treatments, my skin developed lightly irritated patches of bumps. So, now I use a face oil before dermaplaning, and it works just as well without any irritation.

FAQ's: At Home Dermaplaning

Q: What should I put on my face before dermaplaning it?

A: That depends on your skin type. Some people with dry skin like to apply a thin layer of face oil. But, personally, I like to dermaplane on dry, clean skin.

Q: Which is better Dermaplaning vs microdermabrasion?

A: Both are great for your skin. However, they each offer different benefits. Microdermabrasion is great if you have discoloration, brown spots or clogged pores. You can read about the difference between dermaplaning and microdermabrasion here...

Q: How often should I Dermaplane at home?

A: You can dermaplane 1-4 times a month, depending on your skin type. I usually do about 2 times a month.

Q: Should you Dermaplane at home wet or dry?

A: Dry dermaplaning gives better results. But if you have dry or very sensitive skin, you should apply a light layer of face oil.

Q: What to put on skin after home dermaplaning?

Q: Why is my face itching after dermaplaning?

A: Dermplaning can cause irritation or itching for some people. This is especially true if you go too hard or run the blade over the same area too many times. Always use a gentle touch and don't go over the same area more than once.

Q: Is it normal to get bumps on my face afterwards?

A: Yes, it's happened to me a few times too. It often happens when you go against the way your hair grows on your face. To avoid this in the future, always move the blade in the same direction as your facial hair grows.

Q: Is it best to dermaplane before or after a shower?

A: It doesn't really matter, as long as your face is super clean before this treatment. Some people find doing this on dry skin is more effective and helps remove dead cells and hair better.

However, it can also cause more irritation. If it does, applying oil can help cut the chances of irritation.

Q: Difference between dermablading vs dermaplaning?

A: They're the same thing.