How to Lose a Double Chin and
Firm Your Lower Face

How to lose a double chin - FAQ's

by: Linda Robison

Want to know how to lose a double chin naturally? 

While you can NOT spot remove excess fat from your face, chin or neck; you can improve the appearance and "de-puff" those areas through face massages that encourage lymphatic drainage.

What causes a double chin

Excess weight - If you're overweight or carry excess weight gain in your face, neck and upper body; the best way to reduce a double chin (lose submental fat) is of course - to lose weight.

Hereditary - However, for some people, weight loss may not always reduce extra fat under the chin because they're genetically predisposed to this condition.

If other family members appear to have a double chin, chances are it's hereditary. See How To Lose a Double Chin Facts & Options below for more information.

Facial Bloating (double chin lymphatic congestion) - Did you ever notice that some days your double chin (and face) seems more bloated than usual?

It could be because of excess fluid due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet (like excess sodium), air travel, etc...

You can help de-bloat the face and double chin area with a facial massage (lymphatic drainage massage).

A facial massage can help slim and contour the face and neck area. Plus, it's excellent for your health, since the lymphatic system is linked to a healthy immune function.

Double Chin MassagePhoto Courtesy of UHN Patient Education

Sagging Facial Skin - Sagging skin and muscles could also contribute to "the look" of a double chin. As we age, our face loses volume for a variety of reasons, including:

  • loss of natural fat pads from specific compartments of the face; like cheeks (malar fat pads) and the nose/mouth area (nasal labial fat pads).
  • facial muscles weaken and sag.
  • facial bones shrink.

You can see how sagging facial skin can contribute to the look of double chin in photo below.

Double chin has many different looks.

These factors contribute to significant facial volume loss, which causes facial features to droop downward (like a melting candle), by adding volume to the lower part of the face, which can "look like a double chin".

Think of a young face shape like an upside-down triangle. With age (and volume loss) this triangle becomes inverted, causing the lower part of the face to look heavier and fuller.

Double chin can cause lower face to look heavier.

Photo courtesy of Juvly Aesthetics.

How to lose a double chin?
Start with lymphatic drainage massage

Double Chin and Neck Massage to Encourage Lymphatic Drainage

Here are 3 sample exercises from the Facial Fitness program I use that are really effective at targeting the double chin and neck area:

1. The Brush

2. The Gulping Fish

Lower and face neck exerciseClick here to watch video GLUPING FISH. Opens in a new page.

3. The Double Chin Tongue Press

Exercise for double chin.
  1. Place the pads of each thumb in front of the other, resting under the chin, fingers resting against the jawbone.
  2. Press your tongue against the roof of the mouth and then slide your thumbs, alternately to back (to where the under chin meets the neck), making a rhythm of one thumb slide for every tongue press.
  3. You should be able to feel the muscle under your chin as you slide and press your thumbs.
  4. Do this for a count of 40, 3 times a week.

Photo/video above courtesy of Carolyn's Facial Fitness. Click here to see more free facial exercises....

Other chin and neck massages to reduce double chin

A whole face massage helps the lymphatic system remove excess fluid and toxins.

This can help reduce bloating of the face and double chin And, as a side benefit, it can boost your immune system. 

"A lymphatic drainage facial is a soothing and relaxing massage using gentle but effective brushing motions to reduce swelling in the eye and neck area, as well as the rest of the face." "As a beneficial side effect, your immune system is also boosted." says Dr. Barbara Strum from Aesthetic Medicine.

While the most common way to perform a massage is with your fingers, as show here at

But, if you have a hard time using your hands due to arthritis or other issues, you can use a massaging tool like the Kansa Wand shown below.

Double chin reduction using the Kansa wand

Kansa wand can help reduce double chin look.

The Kansa wand allows me to massage harder and longer since it's easy to hold and my fingers/hands won't tire as easily. 

This massaging wand helps improve circulation, encourages lymphatic draining and "de-bloat" the entire face and neck, improving the appearance of puffy eyes and double chin.  

Always perform the massage on clean skin that's lightly oiled. You want to create a nice smooth slide across the skin. The Kansa wand comes with a free bottle of oil, but any facial oil will do.

I followed the directions that came with my Kansa wand. For best results, you want to start at your forehead and work your way down to your chin and neck. 

It feels wonderful and sometimes I lose myself massaging my face, neck, and shoulders while watching TV.

But when I'm finished with a full face massage, I'll do an extra massage for the double chin area.

After applying a light layer of oil on the face,  

  • Raise your head and place the wand on the left side of your under chin area.
  • Slide the wand across your chin to the right side and slide down the right side of the neck.
  • Then slide up the neck and back across to the left side of the under chin area and down the left side of the neck.
  • Repeat this back and forth sliding motion 10 times or more.

For best results, do a full face massage from your forehead to your neck.

It's pretty easy to use. Here is a sample video how the Kansa wand works.

Facial Cupping

Face cupping

You can also consider facial cupping which helps massage and simulate lymphatic drainage. Click here for more information.

Double chin treatment: how long for results?

The time, of course, will vary depending on age and how often you do the face exercise and facial massage. If your issue is because of fluid retention only you'll most like notice a difference within hours of doing a massage.

But people see some slight changes within 2 weeks.

I started to noticeable results in about 3 weeks.

Dramatic results can be seen in about 6 months to a year. Once you see results, you’ll be hooked.

Consider taking before and after pictures every 3 weeks, this way you can document your results. 

Lose a Double Chin: Non-Invasive Procedure Options

Eliminate a Double Chin - Effective In-Office Procedures

When trying to lose a double chin, most are looking for the easiest, least expensive, non-surgical procedure.

But some people may require a more intense treatment plan for good results. Especially those at a healthy weight with an unwanted double chin (or trip chin). This is usually because of genetic predisposition for a double chin.

Radiofrequency for Double Chin - With RF therapy you can eliminate a double chin and firm your face at the same time.

Kybella Treatment - This injectable treatment helps dissolve local fat and submental fullness. Some people might need a series of injections for best results if they have excess unwanted fat cells.

Coolsculpting Treatment (CoolMini)- The CoolMini is the same treatment as Coolsculpting but the applicator is designed for smaller area under the chin. It works by freezing the fat cells in this area.

This essentially blocks blood and oxygen from reaching the cells, killing them off. When the fat cells die, the body will process the dead cells and push what is no longer alive out with other unnecessary waste.

How to Lose a Double Chin - FAQ's

Q: Can I use Botox for a double chin?

A: No, Botox will not remove fat from under the chin. But it can slim the face if you have bulky masseter muscles (square jaw). When Botox is injected into the muscle on either side of your jaw, those muscles relax thus reducing a bulky face shape.

Q: I read that injections of deoxycholic acid can remove extra under chin fat. Is that true?

A: Yes, deoxcholic acid is the active ingredient in Kybella injections

Q: If I try Kybella, how many double chin treatments would I need?

A: One Kybella treatment session involves small multiple injections into the fatty tissues under the chin area. Most people will require up to 5-6 separate treatments spaced out over a few months. In clinical studies over half the people needed 6 separate treatments for best results.

Q: What if I want a double chin fat reduction and a defined jawline. What would be the best solution?

A: That depends. If your jawline lacks definition due to the extra layer of fat under your chin, then Coolsculpting (CoolMini) will remove stubborn fat in that treatment area and give it a more firm, defined look to the whole under jawlne area.

But, if you have saggy skin along the lower face and jawline due to general facial aging, then reducing fat in that area will only cause more sagging. In that case your best bet is to try treatment options to firm up loose skin on the lower face. 

Here you have several solutions:

1. Facial Exercises - if the sagging is not too excessive, try facial exercises. Look how I was able to firm up my lower face here in these pictures just from doing facial exercises. 

2. Ultherpay - Skin tightening treatments like Ultherapy use ultrasound waves to penetrate the skin and increases collagen production. This helps tighten and firm the skin, thereby reducing jowls.

3. Fillers - Another option is the use of injectable fillers to replace age-lost volume in lower cheeks and jawline. This volume can cause a slight lift to your whole lower face.

Your doctor would be able to examine your situation and offer the best solution.

Have more questions on How to Lose a Double Chin? Please feel free to ask here!

Additional Reading:

Sagging Face - See before and after pictures how facial exercises and massages helped tone the lower part of my face and double chin.


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