Crow's Feet: 6 Ways to Treat Them Without Fillers

by: Linda Robison

I found 6 ways to treat crow's feet without fillers. These all natural methods (especially eye exercises and massages) can really improve the appearance of the thin skin around the eyes.

While I can't promise they'll completely vanish, they can certainly be less noticeable.

Tips for Treating Crow's Feet Without Fillers.

6 Tips to get rid of crow's feet

I totally understand the frustration with those so-called “laugh lines” that appear around the eyes and temples. There is nothing about them that makes me laugh!😒

Good News: While they're not easy to deal with, and there's no magic solution to make them vanish completely. There are budget-friendly remedies that can help you reduce the depth of those eye wrinkles and make them less noticeable.

Let's dive in and discover some tricks that'll have you feeling more confident about your skin. 

1. Crow's Feet Massage

A face massage for crow's feet also exercises the muscles. This helps build collagen, smooth the skin, and increases circulation. See my eye wrinkles before and after picture below.

Crows feet before and after massage and exercise.Before and after face exercise and crow's feet eye massage.

Crow's feet massages can help reduce wrinkles around your eyes, over time. Try the simple exercise in the video below to minimize wrinkles.

You can visit CFF to learn more about how and why it works.

2. Retinols

Retinols are probably the most effective non-surgical, at-home remedy you can use to reduce the visible signs of eye wrinkles. 

But, here's a wrinkle in this plan...

Using too much retinol too often can cause inflammation and age your eye area.

How Much Retinol, How Often:

To be safe, begin with a strength less than 1% or apply it once a week for 4 weeks. Then increase to twice a week the next month, then three times a week for the following month, followed by every other night thereafter.

Pay close attention to how your skin feels.

Tip: If you know your complexion is extra sensitive, have mature skin, or in menopause, consider Bakuchiol. This natural alternative to retinol, derived from a plant called Psoralea corylifolia offers similar skin benefits as retinol without the potential irritation.1

My Experience: Wanting to look GREAT before attending a school reunion, I started using a mild retinol product every night for 3 months. Although I didn't notice visible irritation, my skin felt itchy during application.

On the day of the reunion, my face looked horrible! The area around my eyes, looked dry, wrinkled, and dull.

Lesson learned: Start slowly with retinol, even if you don't see irritation. Follow product directions, and if you have sensitive skin, apply a thin layer of moisturizer before using retinol.

Another choice is to consider a Retinol Booster serum that can be used alone or mixed with your favorite nighttime cream. You can find information on different types of retinols here.

2. Glycolic and Lactic Acid

Glycolic and lactic acids are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) pickup where retinols stop. They can help reduce the appearance of eye wrinkles through their exfoliating and collagen-boosting properties.

Apha hydroxy acids (AHAs), like glycolic and lactic acids, are natural exfoliators. Meaning, they break down the "glue" that holds dead skin cells on the skin's surface.

This means dull, damaged skin will be removed, revealing smoother skin beneath. It also encourages collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, including crow's feet.

Tip: Trust, me, AHA's do make a difference in the appearance of crow's feet. Especially when combined with retinol treatment. But, do not use them the same time. Always use AHA's on different days then your retinol treatment.

4. Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid doesn't dive deep to fix wrinkles like retinols do, it mainly works on the surface. It's excellent at hydrating and plumping, which makes those crow's feet look less noticeable.

Don't let the word "acid" scare you. HA is a natural substance that helps your skin stay hydrated and plump.

How Does It Work?

Once applied, it draws in moisture and fills in the spaces between your skin cells, making it look smoother and less wrinkled. So, hyaluronic acid helps reduce wrinkles by keeping your complexion well-hydrated and giving it a more youthful appearance.

Note: I found that the way you apply HA makes a huge difference in how well it works. Apply it on clean, bare skin first, then seal it in with your favorite moisturizer.

Let that all soak in for a minute before applying makeup. There is more detail about apply hyaluronic acid here.

5. Korean Sheet Masks

Korean sheet masks can help target more than just laugh lines around the eyes. Your whole face will benefit from this simple anti-aging regimen.

These masks work in two ways:

  • First, hydration. These masks are infused with moisture-retaining serums like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Once applied, it forms a barrier that seals in moisture, resulting in plumper, smoother skin. And reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Second, nutrient delivery. The serums usually contain essential vitamins and antioxidants. This offers your complexion long-term health and resilience.

6. Sunscreen: Prevent and Reverse Crow's Feet

Don't underestimate the power of a good sunscreen to prevent and reverse wrinkles!

I'm not going to bore you with those details. But, I'll explain how it can help reduce the depth and visibility of crow's feet and other wrinkles.

It's important to understand that the sun is a major culprit behind those pesky crow's feet. It harms your skin, leading to more wrinkles and other damage.

Enhancing Retinol's Effects:

While retinol is a superhero for your skin, fighting crow's feet and wrinkles. The sun is a villain, breaking down the good work retinol does. Sunscreen steps in as a protective shield, making sure damaging it won't undo what retinol is fixing.

So, while you're busy fixing your crow's feet, don't let UV rays undo your progress. Keep up the good work by wearing sunscreen EVERY DAY.

Find out if your sunscreen is protecting you as well as it should.

Fillers for eye wrinkles: How to avoid eye hollows?

A woman treated with anti-wrinkle injections gets Crows feet shelf.

We're well aware of how convenient and successful Botox and fillers can be in reducing smiles lines and wrinkles.

However, some side effects include eye hollows or sometimes called eye shelf from over treating lower crows feet with too much anti-wrinkle injections. Get Dr. Hart's special tips on how to avoid it. 

Why do I see crow's feet when I smile: Different types of wrinkles

Dynamic Wrinkles:

When you smile, squint (or make other expressions) the small muscles around your eyes contract, causing the skin to crinkle, fold, or wrinkle. 

These are dynamic wrinkles, because they're caused by repetitive facial muscle movement.

Static Wrinkles:

However, as time passes, these fine lines become etched in your skin and are visible even when you're not smiling.

These are static wrinkles caused by reduced skin elasticity due to collagen and elastin breakdown. Aging, sun exposure and poor diet are also responsible.

Final thought…

There's no denying it—smiles are great for the soul! 😊 Yet, as the years go by, those smile lines and eye wrinkles are bound to appear.

It's a part of life.

Lines and wrinkles will become more pronounced because of decreased skin elasticity, aging, sun exposure, and daily habits.  But, if you wish to lessen the look and depth of crow's feet, consider incorporating the following practices into your regular anti-aging routine.

Consistency is important for good results:

1. Use retinols, but start slowly.
2. Try glycolic and lactic acids on different days from retinols.
3. Massage for crow's feet.
4. Use hyaluronic acid for hydration.
5. Korean sheet masks for hydration and nutrients.
6. Wear sunscreen daily to protect against sun damage that can worsen crow's feet.

Before you go...

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