Best eye treatment for under eye puffiness? This worked for me...

Does anyone know of a good under eye lift cream? I have puffy eyes mostly in the morning. It seems to get better in the afternoon, but then my skin around the under eye area is loose and saggy.


Hi There,

I suffered from puffy eyes my whole life. I think's genetic. I know what you mean about the sagging skin under the eye area. It sort of looks crinkly too.

I can honestly say I've tried hundreds of eye lift creams and serums - usually with disappointing results. But I did try an eye lift serum that seems to work pretty good.

It helps tighten the under eye skin, hide those little lines and reduce the look of under eye puffiness.

Here is a link to the EES Eye serum and my before and after pictures.

The difference between this eye lift serum and the others I've tried is how soft it feels. Most of the other serums are very drying and make my skin feel tight.

This serum works in about 10 minutes and will last all day, even after a sweaty workout.

Other tips you can try for puffy eyes include using a good eye cream. Look for ones that contain caffeine to help tighten the skin and reduce dark circles.

You can also apply some Vitamin C to your under-eye area (well on the whole face and neck too). Vitamin C helps to brighten your skin and gets rid of dark circles.

Here's more information on the best type of vitamin C and how to use it. You'll also see before and after pictures of what it can do to reduce wrinkles and spots.

I would also start using retinol, because it can make your skin look younger by reducing lines and wrinkles. Just be careful using it around your eyes. Start with a small patch test first.

And, always build up by using retinol once a week at first and then increase one day per week, if your skin is accepting it without irritation.

Hope this helps.

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Jan 19, 2024
My tips for puffy eyes
by: Anonymous

Hey, I came across your post while searching online, and I'm dealing with a similar issue developing under my eyes.

I've noticed puffiness in the morning, fading away as the day goes on.

Here are a few things I'm trying now. I started using a silk/satin pillowcase so my face isn't smushed into the pillow all night.

Another thing I"'m doing is sleeping with silicone eyepatches, sometimes I use medical tape, to prevent creases and under-eye lines, and puffiness.

I also try to sleep on two pillows, so my head is elevated. This helps because my face and eyes are not as puffy in the morning.

But, sleeping in this position is easier said than done, especially if you've been a side/stomach sleeper for most of your life.

So far, the silicon patches seem to work the best. My under-eye looks pretty good in the morning.

Hope this information was helpful to you!

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