Anti-Aging Lip Care Products

How can I make my older lips look younger? The right lip care products can help them look smoother and plumper. Checkout the products I tested below...

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

Anti-aging lip care

We're not just looking for lip care products that can improve the look and feel of our lips.

We want to also address some of the following aging lip issues, such as: 

  • upper and lower lip lines
  • flat shapeless lips
  • deflated cupids bow
  • droopy mouth corners
  • smoker’s lines

So, what can we do to improve the look of our lips and slow down the aging process? Plenty! 

P.S. Make sure to scroll down this page to learn about a patented natural lip-plumping device! This device could replace lip injections.

A woman applying lip care products on her lips.

A little tender care can make a huge difference in the appearance of your aging lips.

For some women, it may be a combination of several products and techniques will yield the best results.

Ok, so let's get started.  Here are some of my favorite lip care products for younger looking lips...

UPDATE: My new favorite lip pluming gloss!

Nothing "Clings" and "Hugs" my lips with plumping moisture like City Lips.

I wear the clear at night and the colorful ones on top of my 12-hour lipstick during the day. It lasts for hours, but when I'm not wearing any, I can feel my lips shriveling inwards, and it feels like my lips dehydrated. You really notice a difference once you start wearing this plumping gloss.

And it's so rich and thick, I just dot it onto to my lips, smack them closed and open a few times, and it's all good! So one tube lasts for months. I haven't bought one since last year, but I'm ready to stock up now that they're having a BOGO sale!

City Beauty - Take advantage of their Buy-One-Get-One special!

Lip Plumper Lip Gloss

The easiest and fastest way to make your lips look beautiful is to ensure they're hydrated. Always drinking plenty of fluids (it's good for your whole body too) and use a hydrating lip balm or gloss to help keep your pucker plump and smooth. To get the most for your money, choose lip balms or gloss that are designed to:

  • help smooth out lip lines
  • act as a liner and primer 
  • help prevent feathering or bleeding

Mommy Makeup makes several lip gloss products. Some are specially for smoothing out lip lines and some are just super hydrating. But one thing they have in common - they all look and wear beautifully!

Yes! You can find one product that does all of that! Click here or on the video below to learn more.

Anti-aging lipsticks and gloss.
lip plumper

"Mechanical" Natural Lip Plumper’s

Mechanical natural lip enhancement products (like CandyLipz and Juva Lips) have been around for a while and have been used by artists and models for photo shoots, advertising, television, and even movies.

A specific type of suction causes the lips to plump up, however, some devices work better to actually help enhance the lip line and other aging lip issues. I tried both CandyLipz and Juva Lips and got better results with CandyLipz.

Lip care product to plump lips.

CandyLipz is internationally acclaimed with over 40 design & beauty awards and 30+ USA and international patents. This device is known to:

  • enhance the cupid's bow
  • plump the lips
  • reduce drooping mouth corners
  • remove smoker's lines and more

See my before and after photos below.

Is there a way to get naturally fuller lips? Yes, with Candy Lipz.Before and After using CandyLipz Plumper for one minute

The website of both lip plumper devices says that over time - it can help reduce or eliminate the look of aging lips including:

  • droopy mouth corners 
  • lack of fullness deflated
  • lips deflated cupids bow 
  • smoker's lines

But only CandyLipz received over 30 design & beauty awards and has over 29 USA and international patents.

You can purchase the CandyLipz Lip Plumper at the home site. You can get free shipping, sales and discounts at their site.

It's also available on Amazon for the same price but without the discounts or free shipping. 

CandyLipz Lip Plumper on Amazon

Mommy Makeup lip gloss

In the picture above, I've used the Mommy Makeup Smoothing/Plumping Lip Gloss and the CandyLipz lip enhancer.

Anti-aging exercises for lips

When you follow a good facial exercise program it should include exercises for the whole face from the forehead to the neck. This will also ensure your mouth and lips are getting the workout they need to stay firm and plump.

Face exercise chart.

Note: NEVER spot train and only exercise the mouth & lips only without exercising the whole face. Why?

First, as you get older, your whole face will start to age and you will want to address all aspects of facial aging...from the forehead to the neck and chest.

Second, exercising only one part of your face can cause an odd or imbalanced (overbuilt) look. 

Third, since many facial muscles are intertwined, working on one part of the face will affect the other. So for the most balanced, elegant looking face - your face exercise program should address all 57 muscles.

It's all about balance - just like when you work the muscles of the body!

Face exercises can help:

  • alleviate lines around the mouth
  • lift the corners of the mouth
  • reduce marionette lines
  • firm droopy jowls too 

Click here to learn more and also see my before and after face lifting pictures.

Other beauty tips for lips

Peeling or chapped lips will always look more aged, lifeless and less luscious than smooth hydrated lips. A quick lip scrub of any type is a simple way to rehydrate, heal and reduce flaky lips.

If I'm in a hurry, I use a little bit of baking soda dusted on my tooth brush and give my lips a quick scrub.

You can get more elaborate than that, but basically any type of lip scrub can help smooth away annoying peeling lip skin and make your kisser feel baby smooth and hydrated!

There you have it. While there are plenty of anti-aging lip care products to chose from, I found these to be the most effective and frankly – all I need to keep my lips from looking aged or dry, flaking and peeling.

If you’ve tried any of the products or tips on this page or found anti-aging lip tips that worked great for you – feel free to share with us. Your comments are always welcomed!

Before you go ....

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