Herbal Tea for Skin Health and More...

by: Linda Robison

Top Three Herbal Teas for Anti-Aging

When it’s cold and rainy outside there’s nothing better than curling up on the couch with a hot drink.

A healthy diet is essential to keep your skin looking youthful. So skip the sugar-laden hot chocolate. Opt for a calorie-free tea full of anti-aging benefits instead!

Not sure which tea to go for? We break down the top teas for a youthful appearance on the outside, with added age-related disease prevention benefits on the inside!

Herbal tea for healthy skin.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the most popular teas on the market (and my personal favorite!). You may have heard that green tea is linked to a faster metabolism, but did you know it has anti-aging benefits, too? 

Prevent Wrinkles

Research suggests green tea helps to inhibit aging caused by UV irradiation.
The most common catechin in green tea (EGCG) is well known for its beneficial effects on the skin.

EGCG help to hinder the production of collagenases and MMPs (enzymes that attack collagen and proteins respectively). This prevents wrinkles and produces an antioxidant effect.

Health Benefits

A Japanese study found green tea drinkers were less likely to die from heart, cerebrovascular, or respiratory diseases than those who drank less than one cup a day.

Telomeres are compounds at the end of each chromosome. The length of telomeres is linked to lifespan and their length falls with age. Drinking green and oolong tea is correlated with longer telomeres in elderly Chinese men.

Additionally, green tea can help to reduce the risk of skin cancer by impeding UV-induced immunosuppression.

Tea or Face Cream

What herb tea is good for skin?

Not a fan of herbal tea, but still want the benefits for healthy skin?

Consider trying herbal tea infused skin creams. If you want to maximize the anti-aging benefits, look for one with added lotus extract.
Results from one 2013 study suggest green tea topical creams are more effective at achieving anti-aging results when combined with lotus extract.

After 60 days of applying a green tea and lotus cream, participants on average achieved a 22% reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. Additionally, results indicated a 50% average improvement in smoothness of the skin. 

White tea

Unsurprisingly, the health benefits of white tea are similar to green tea - they’re derived from the same plant (camellia sinensis). Green tea is trendier, but don’t overlook white tea!

White tea may be a bit harder to find, but it’s less processed than green tea and most other teas on the market. As a result, white tea is likely a better option if you want to enjoy the anti-aging benefits of tea. 

Boost Elastin and Collagen

The skin loses collagen and elastic fiber with age. One 2009 study found anti-elastase powers were highest for white tea relative to 22 other plant extracts.

White tea also had the highest anti-collagenase powers of all the plant extracts (87%) with green tea coming in (a not so close!) second (47%). There’s also some evidence that white tea is useful to treat neurodegenerative and aging-related disorders. 

Tea or Face Cream?

While it’s not as widely available as green tea, it’s still pretty easy to find white tea locally. Alternatively, you can buy a white tea face cream instead. In addition to the elastin and collagen benefits, white tea topical creams are likely just as effective as green tea creams at protecting the skin from sun damage. 

Rooibos tea

Derived from the rooibos plant in South Africa, this tea is a great caffeine free alternative to green or white tea. So rooibos is perfect if you’re pregnant, or if you like to drink tea just before bed! 

Reduce The Appearance of Wrinkles

Rooibos tea contains multiple compounds that are high in antioxidants. One study compared the effect of ginkgo with rooibos (along with some other teas) on the appearance of women’s skin. Ginkgo was effective at improving skin moisturization, smoothness, and reducing roughness. Rooibos was not. However, rooibos was better at reducing the appearance of wrinkles than ginkgo.

Rooibos is also linked to hair growth for men with alopecia! While more research is needed, current research suggests this tea could help to ease inflammation and prevent DNA damage.

Green Or Red Rooibos?

Green rooibos is specially formulated for higher levels of antioxidants and is commonly used in rooibos tea. However, some experts claim regular ‘red’ rooibos tea has similar health benefits to green rooibos tea. Try out both kinds and see which one you prefer! Just like the previous two teas, rooibos facial creams are also available on the market.

Which Tea Is Best For Me?

If you’re looking to prevent wrinkles give green tea a try. To reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles go for rooibos tea. Want to boost the collagen and elastin in your skin? Opt for white tea instead. 

Additional Information...

Looking for those difficult to fine Rooibos and White teas? Click here...

Also, here is a fine selection of tea infused creams for healthy skin... 

Those are my favorite teas for anti-aging. Have you tasted any of these teas before? Which ones do you want to try? Let me know down in the comments.


Laura shares beauty tips & tricks, reviews products, and evaluates academic research related to makeup at Makeupscholar.com. She is a recent MSc. Economics graduate, and has been obsessed with all things makeup and beauty related for over 10 years!

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