If you have a flushed face and are over 50 - It could be Rosacea

by Linda Robison

By Laura

Rosacea & The Baby Boom Generation: Potential Causes and Solutions

If your face is always flushed, flaking, or breakout out and you're over 50, chances are you have rosacea.

Rosacea is quite common in those aged 50-65 years and older - a particularly vulnerable2 time of life.

flushed face

Dealing with aging skin is stressful enough. The added burden of rosacea makes matters even worse! 

Many analyses of this condition draw attention to the issues faced by younger3 rosacea patients. Elderly patients are too often over looked!

That’s why we’re breaking down the potential causes and current solutions to this skin condition with a particularly emphasis on the older demographic. 

What is Rosacea

Rosacea1 is a (non-contagious) chronic skin disease characterized by a flushed face, redness, blushing, red bumps, and cysts on the face and chest. While most of the symptoms are visible, some rosacea patients feel burning or stinging sensations on their skin, too. 

Demographic Profile 

Common For Both Men & Women Of European Ancestry

Rosacea is most common for those with European (particularly Celtic) ancestry4. However, it can also develop for people of other backgrounds.  While it can occur for both sexes, it’s somewhat more prevalent amongst women5

Women typically develop rosacea around the cheek and chin area. Men, on the other hand, experience rosacea around the nose far more frequently than women.  Rhinophyma (a form of stage three rosacea skin disorder - the most severe) is almost exclusively an elderly male phenomenon1.

Rosacea skin disorder - frequency among baby boomers

It’s possible for rosacea to manifest at any age but it usually begins mid-adulthood. The age profile of rosacea1 is different for women than it is for men.

Rosacea becomes more common after the age of 35 for women, while the increase in prevalence happens later for men (after 50). The frequency of rosacea in the population also peaks later for men (around 76-80 years) than it does for women (approximately 61-65). 

Rosacea is especially troubling for the elderly generation. It typically doesn’t go away by itself - and rosacea can get worse and worse without medical intervention6. Ignoring the problem for years results in a more severe form of rosacea as you get older (with increasingly intense symptoms).

Causes and aggravators

Scientists are uncertain about the exact cause(s) of rosacea. However, a number of potential causes, contributory factors, and aggravators have been identified. 

Potential Causes

- Family History

One 2015 study7 concluded that rosacea is driven by approximately 50% genetic and 50% environmental factors. A 2010 study8 revealed rosacea sufferers are more likely to have photosensitive skin, have a family history of rosacea, and to have smoked cigarettes in the past.

Despite common misconceptions, rosacea sufferers were no more likely than non-sufferers to drink more caffeine or alcohol. Further research reaffirms this finding - rosacea is not causally connected to caffeine or alcohol consumption1,9.

- Hormones

This condition is sometimes linked to hormonal changes as a woman enters the menopause phase of her life. When you’re going through menopause the added stress of rosacea is the last thing you nee

- Immune System

Evidence from a 2011 analysis10 suggests rosacea is caused by an excessive innate immune system response. An overactive innate immune system results in the production of abnormal peptides. Lab tests reveal that these abnormal peptides produce rosacea-like skin inflammation. The authors of this study suggest that this overactive innate immune system response may have a genetic basis.

- Mites

It’s possible that Demodex mites (oil mites) cause rosacea11. These mites live on all humans - especially in the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands on the face. Sufferers of rosacea have higher amounts of oil mites on their skin than the general population.

However, it’s not clear whether the over proliferation of these mites cause or are caused by rosacea. It could be the case that rosacea spawns from an overabundance of mites emerging on damaged skin due to weather11, aging, or overproduction of sebum.

 - Drugs

Some drugs can potentially induce rosacea or make an existing rosacea case worse - particularly topical or systemic corticosteroids12

Known irritants

While the exact causes of rosacea are still disputed and somewhat unclear, it’s understood certain triggers can exasperate this condition, such as food and nutrients

As our population continues to age, we need to do more to address these skin issues for the 65+ age cohort. 

Helpful Rosacea Product Tips

Woman applying moisturizer to her dry flaky rosacea skin.

Repeated inflammation from rosacea can harm your skin and weaken collagen and elastin, making it age faster. Using rosacea-friendly cosmetics is crucial to soothe irritation and protect against collagen damage, preventing thin, sagging skin and wrinkles.


Studies Need to Include Senior Citizens!

Many basic or essential skincare products can cause rosacea flare-ups1, especially in individuals over 65.

Sadly, clinical trials for skincare products often overlook this age group, since the elderly aren't typically the primary focus of new skincare products.13 😒

However, it can be argued that testing on aging skin is crucial, given the increased need for it.

Flushed Face: 4 Essential Products to Consider


Look for cleansers that are pH balanced and don’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate (which can irritate.) Cleansers like Cetaphil or Cerave work without drying or irritating. My husband has rosacea and has great results using the Walgreens brand, which is cheaper.


This is very important! Gently exfoliating rosacea skin not only helps smooth your complexion, unclog pores and reduce flaky patches, but prevents the disease from worsening.

Skin thickening in rosacea worsens the condition by increasing redness, reducing treatment effectiveness, and causing more severe symptoms like rhinophyma, which is an enlarged, bumpy appearance on the nose. It's important to use exfoliating products specifically for rosacea.


Sometimes, regular moisturizer just don't cut it for this condition. Good hydration supports collagen, making pores look smaller, and makes broken blood vessels less noticeable.

My husband has rosacea and tells me this super moisturizer with recovery cream with omega 3 rich fatty acids and ceramides keeps his face comfortable and smooth.


The same goes for sunscreen. You need to use one that's formulated for your condition. Here is another of my husband's favorite. He likes this because, unlike regular sunscreens, this is the only one that won't make his face breakout. 

Related Content: Is Slugging a Good Idea for Rosacea Suffers?


Rosacea is not easy to completely cure. Not too surprising, given that it’s potentially the result of an abnormality16 in our innate defense system!

Thankfully, there are multiple treatment options available to reduce the symptoms of rosacea. Treatments are increasing and becoming more safe over time.

So if you suffer from just the occasional flushed face or all the rosacea symptoms listed here, it’s important to consult your doctor to find the best treatment for your particular situation.

Treatment will vary from case to case depending on the severity and longevity of the rosacea, while also taking any potential comorbidities into account (rosacea is commonly comorbid with depression17).  

Current treatments include:

  • Topical creams (azelaic acid or metronidazole gel) help repair the barrier of rosacea-induced broken skin. A recent 2018 study revealed oxymetazoline cream (Rhofade) helps reduce facial flushing and redness for rosacea patients18. However, because rosacea damages the barrier of the skin, these creams can often cause a burning or stinging sensation.
  • Surgery (including laser surgery) is useful to treat rhinophyma1 and the prominent erythema common in older rosacea patients.
  • Hormone replacement therapy can help treat rosacea-like menopausal flushing19
  • Beta blockers (like propranolol) work to reduce the severity of anxiety-related rosacea20
  • Acupuncture is a potential rosacea treatment. A 2018 case study21 revealed acupuncture was more effective at improving the rosacea of one 52 year old woman than conventional treatments. However, more research with much larger sample sizes is needed to determine its efficacy. 

In addition to the treatments above, try to avoid aggravating the rosacea by taking these steps:

  • Use UVB and UVA sunscreen protection daily. 
  • Protect your skin from harsh weather conditions by wrapping up warm and keeping your skin moisturized in cold or windy weather. 
  • Keep your stress levels low by taking time out of your day to relax. 
  • Steer clear of skincare with irritating ingredients like alcohol and fragrance.

Consult your doctor for a diagnosis

Rosacea can negatively impact an individual’s quality of life and there’s a certain stigma attached because it’s often misunderstood as a symptom of alcoholism.

Rosacea typically develops gradually over time. Symptoms like a flushed face may come and go but this skin condition usually doesn’t disappear by itself.

It’s important to treat the condition, otherwise it’s possible rosacea can accelerate into disfigurement22 or loss of vision (in the case of ocular rosacea).

It’s often (understandably) confused with acne as the symptoms can be similar. Yes, you're never too old to suffer from acne or clogged pores and blackheads.

Elderly rosacea patients sometimes mistake the symptoms as just a normal part of the aging process22. That’s why it’s always important to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

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Author bio:

Laura shares beauty tips & tricks, reviews products, and evaluates academic research related to makeup at Makeupscholar.com.



2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ageing-and-society/article/ageing-and-vulnerable-elderly-people-european-perspectives/38FE71F6EC2FA12FBAFD30825B011E12

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27323701

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19735524

5. https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/rosacea#statistics

6. https://www.rosacea.org/rosacea-review/2000/fall/patients-over-50-hardest-hit-with-rosacea-symptoms

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26307938

8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19874433

9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30347034

10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22076322

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22933353

12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16384751 

13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20367673

14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3840548/



17. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2133.2005.06895.x 

18. https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29320594

19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28807107

20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16243148

21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30142810 

22. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12038728